The Camino de Invierno has different weather at different points. Mostly, it is warm, with temperatures between 5 and 20°C, sometimes warmer in the south. However, it can sometimes change.
In Ponferrada, it might be a little rainy, cloudy, or sunny, with cooler temperatures. As you go to Las Médulas and O Barco de Valdeorras, there may be a lot of sunshine, but also just a bit of rain. A Rúa de Valdeorras and Quiroga have more sunshine but can also have rainstorms.
Going through A Pobra do Brollón and Monforte de Lemos, you can expect more rain, even heavy at times, and slightly warmer temperatures, with lows of about 10°C and highs around 20°C.
When you get to Chantada and Rodeiro, be ready for more rain, but there might be sunny days too. These places have more rain than other places, with Chantada having the most.
Lastly, in the areas of Lalín to Santiago de Compostela, there might be some rain, but also plenty of sunny days, especially in Outeiro (Vedra), and temperatures remain stable.
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