The Vía Jacobi starts in Konstanz, where the weather is mostly warm, up to 26°C, and sometimes rains.
As you pass through Märstetten, Fischingen, and Gibswil, there is more rain. It's still warm with temperatures in the middle 20s°C, but it can drop a bit lower to 13°C.
When you reach Rapperswil, Einsiedeln, and Brunnen, it gets a bit cooler. The weather changes between sunshine and rain, and the temperature stays around 22°C during the day and drops to 13°C at night. Einsiedeln is even colder, with the temperatures ranging from 13°C during the day to 5°C at night.
The weather stays the same as you travel through Buochs, Flüeli-Ranft, and Lungern, with a mixture of sunny and rainy days. The temperature ranges from 19°C to 24°C during the day, and drops to 9°C to 14°C at night. In places like Fribourg, Chavannes-sous-Orsonnens, Moudon, Lausanne, Saint-Prex, and Gland, the temperature rises a bit to about 23°C during the day and drops to 14°C at night.
Towards the end of the Vía Jacobi, in Commugny and Genève, the weather is mostly sunny, with little rain. The temperature stays around 26°C during the day and drops to 13-14°C at night. There is usually less rain here than other parts of the path.
So, in August, the weather on the Vía Jacobi is mostly warm with some rain, and the temperature is usually between 13-26°C.
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