Weather forecast for the Vía Jacobi in December

The Vía Jacobi in Switzerland has varied weather in December. From Konstanz, you might see some rain, snow, and sun. It can be as warm as 5°C or as cold as freezing. It usually rains more than it snows.

As you travel through places like Märstetten and Rapperswil, the weather is similar. But it might be cloudier and colder, at -4°C. Sometimes, it snows or has freezing rain. This can make the path icy.

In mountain areas like Einsiedeln, it can get as cold as -10°C. Some days are sunny, but sometimes it snows.

Towards the end of the journey in Brunnen and Flüeli-Ranft, it gets a bit warmer. But it can still snow and rain.

In the last part of the journey in Lungern and Genève, it stays cold. But it snows more, making things feel very wintery. In Genève, the rain can get heavy, and the temperature can reach 7°C.

So, if you walk the Vía Jacobi in December, get ready for winter weather. There can be everything from mild weather to heavy snow. Be ready for possible ice and lots of rain.

Start date
Dec 1
Start town
End date
Dec 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
429 km
Daily distance
20.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.8 mm/day

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