Weather forecast for the Vía Jacobi in February

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Forecast settings

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Feb 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
429 km
Daily distance
20.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.2 mm/day

The Vía Jacobi from Konstanz to Genève is usually cold in February, with changeable weather and rain or snow most days. The weather is unpredictable with sun, rain, or heavier snow possible.

When you start in Konstanz, there might be a lot of rain, with temperatures from -1°C to 4°C. This is also likely in Märstetten and Fischingen, where it might be cloudier.

Going through Gibswil and Rapperswil, it continues to be cold and often cloudy. Temperatures might drop even more, especially if it snows.

The part from Einsiedeln to Brunnen is usually colder, with temperatures down to -12°C. You can expect more snow here.

On the way from Buochs to Flüeli-Ranft, temperatures could be a little higher, but still below zero. You may see a mix of sunshine, clouds, and freezing rain.

The area from Lungern to Interlaken can be even colder, with snow sometimes. In Amsoldingen and Rüeggisberg, expect more sunny and partly cloudy days, but still with freezing temperatures.

Finally, going from Fribourg to Genève, the weather gets warmer, with highs up to 7°C. There will be more sun, often with some clouds. However, you might still get some rain.

Overall, be ready for a winter journey, with cold temperatures and a lot of rain or snow. The weather can change quickly, and it can often be icy. Lots of snow can make some parts of the route hard.

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