Weather forecast for the Vía Jacobi in March

The Vía Jacobi has changing weather at this time of year. The journey starts from Konstanz and temperatures can go from a pleasant 7°C down to a cold -6°C. You may see the sun, but most days it could be cloudy and rainy.

The weather can also include freezing rain in places like Märstetten and Fischingen. Chances of snow increase, especially in hilly areas like Einsiedeln where it can get very cold.

In between Brunnen and Buochs, you'll see a mix of sun and cloud with possible snow or freezing rain. It can go from 7°C up to a bit colder at -2°C with changeable rain rates.

When you near places like Lausanne and Saint-Prex, the temperature starts to go up, ranging from 9°C to 12°C. The weather can still change, and you might get a mix of sun, rain, and sometimes snow.

At the end of the route in Genève, it gets a bit warmer with temperatures averaging 12°C. You'll see more sun, but there's still a chance of rain.

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
429 km
Daily distance
20.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.0 mm/day

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