Weather forecast for the Vía Jacobi in November

If you're walking from Konstanz to Geneva on the Vía Jacobi in November, the weather can change a lot as fall turns into winter.

First, you'll start at Lake Constance, where it's normally not too cold. The weather can be sunny or a bit cloudy, and sometimes it rains. As you keep walking, you'll hit the Swiss Plateau, which includes towns like Märstetten and Gibswil. Here, the weather can change more often. It might be sunny or rainy, and it's usually a little colder than Lake Constance. Later on, you might start seeing winter weather, like freezing rain.

When you get to the snowy alpine areas of Einsiedeln and Brunnen, it gets even colder, and it can snow.

Then, you'll go back down towards the Swiss Plateau again, where you'll pass through cities like Lausanne, Saint-Prex, and Fribourg. Here it's a bit warmer, but it can be sunny, cloudy, or rainy.

Finally, when you reach the end of your walk in the Geneva region, the weather can still be sunny, rainy, or snowy, and it's a bit colder.

Start date
Nov 1
Start town
End date
Nov 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
429 km
Daily distance
20.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.1 mm/day

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