Weather forecast for the Vía Jacobi in October

When traveling on the Vía Jacobi from Konstanz to Genève, expect different weather conditions like rain, sun, and snow, typical of a European autumn. Particularly in the mountainous Einsiedeln region, you might have to face snow and freezing rain.

The temperature from the start of the route in Konstanz up to Märstetten is usually between 7°C and 18°C. As you continue to Fischingen and Gibswil, the temperatures are similar and you can expect around 3-5 mm of rain per day.

The temperature drops in Einsiedeln, reaching lows of 0°C and highs of 7°C. Rain and snow might increase, causing an average of about 6.6 mm of rain/snow per day.

From Brunnen to Buochs, it gets a bit warmer again, with temperatures between 6°C and 16°C. Rain showers are fairly common, and the average rainfall per day is around 3.9 mm.

Moving further, through Flüeli-Ranft to Interlaken, the temperatures are between 4°C and 12°C. Rain and snow are more common here, increasing rainfall/snowfall per day to around 6 to 8 mm.

Lastly, from Amsoldingen to Genève, the weather gets warmer, reaching between 3°C and 16°C. It's usually sunny with some rain and the average rainfall per day is between 1.9 to 3.9 mm. However, heavy rain might occasionally occur, especially near Genève.

To sum it up, the weather on the Vía Jacobi can change a lot, with sun, clouds, and rain. Temperatures and rainfall can vary by region.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
429 km
Daily distance
20.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.1 mm/day

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