Weather forecast for the John Muir Trail in August

The John Muir Trail has a mix of calm and changing weather in the Sierra Nevada mountains. In August, you can mostly expect sunny days, with some rain and cloudy skies now and then. High temperatures are usually between the mid-60s and mid-80s Fahrenheit. Low temperatures can range from the mid-40s to mid-60s and get cooler at higher points.

As you move from lower areas in the north to higher ones in the south, you might see more rainfall, especially at places like Donahue Pass and Guitar Lake. These spots can have moderate to heavy rain sometimes. But overall, the trail stays sunny and good for hiking.

To sum up, the John Muir Trail in August is mostly sunny and nice, but be ready for some rain and temperature changes, especially with elevation shifts. The weather is generally good for hiking, but keep an eye on daily forecasts.

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
Happy Isles
End date
Aug 20
End town
Whitney Portal
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
352 km
Daily distance
17.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.0 mm/day

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