Weather forecast for the John Muir Trail in February

The John Muir Trail (JMT) is in the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. In February, the trail is mostly cold with varied weather. Many days are sunny, but there are cloudy days with some snow or freezing rain.

In the northern part, high temperatures are around 30 to mid-40 degrees Fahrenheit, with lows in the teens to mid-20s. It doesn't rain much, but light snow or freezing rain can happen, especially higher up.

As you go south, the weather is a mix of sunny and partly cloudy days. Sometimes, there are snow showers. Temperatures get a bit warmer but still go below freezing at night. The pattern of snow and rain stays the same.

Overall, the trail is mostly cold and dry, with some snow or rain now and then. Traveling the trail means being ready for changing weather, but you can enjoy many clear, cold days.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
Happy Isles
End date
Feb 20
End town
Whitney Portal
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
352 km
Daily distance
17.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.7 mm/day

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