Weather forecast for the Kungsleden in April

The Kungsleden, or King's Trail, runs through the northernmost parts of Sweden, known for their tough and remote landscapes. In April, the weather is generally cold. High temperatures rarely go above freezing, and lows often drop below -10°C.

Light freezing rain is common on the trail, and moderate to heavy snowfall can happen, especially in higher areas. The skies are often overcast, making it feel even colder. However, you might sometimes see partly cloudy or sunny days, which can give brief breaks from the harsh weather.

In the southern parts of the Kungsleden, temperatures are slightly warmer, with highs around 1°C and lows around -5°C. But freezing rain and overcast skies are still common. There is also less precipitation and fewer snow showers as you move south.

Overall, expect mostly cloudy skies, cold temperatures, and occasional precipitation, especially light freezing rain and snow. Be ready for wintry conditions throughout your trip.

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
Apr 28
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
421 km
Daily distance
15.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.8 mm/day

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