Weather forecast for the Kungsleden in December

The Kungsleden trail in northern Sweden has a variety of cold weather conditions during December.

- Temperatures usually range from -6°C to -11°C during the day and drop to between -10°C and -15°C at night.

- Snowfall is common, with different types of snow showers happening often.

In the northern areas like Abisko and Abiskojaure:

- The weather often includes light freezing rain and moderate snow showers.

- Skies are mostly cloudy, but there are occasional partly cloudy or sunny days.

- Snow levels are moderate, creating a consistent snowy environment.

As you move south past Alesjaure, Sälka, and Singi:

- The weather patterns are similar with frequent light freezing rain and overcast conditions.

- The cold temperatures stay about the same, keeping the snow landscape intact.

- Snow showers continue to be regular.

Further south in areas like Kaitumjaure, Teusajaure, and beyond:

- The cold and overcast skies remain, with light freezing rain being common.

- There is a bit less precipitation than in the northern parts, but still enough to keep the ground snow-covered.

In the central and southern sections like Vuonatjviken, Jäkkvik, and Ammarnäs:

- The climate stays cold with overcast skies and light freezing rain.

- While moderate to heavy snow is less common, light snow and occasional moderate snow still happen.

Overall, December on the Kungsleden means consistently cold and snowy weather with frequent cloudy skies. Be prepared for the harsh winter conditions typical of Swedish winters.

Start date
Dec 1
Start town
End date
Dec 28
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
421 km
Daily distance
15.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.8 mm/day

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