Weather forecast for the Kungsleden in March

The Kungsleden route is cold and wintry in March.

In the north, at places like Abisko and Abiskojaure, temperatures range from -7°C during the day to -12°C at night. You can expect light freezing rain and snow showers almost every day.

As you move south to areas like Alesjaure, Tjäktja, and Sälka, it gets slightly colder, ranging from -8°C to -10°C during the day and down to -15°C at night. The weather often includes overcast skies, some sunny breaks, and light freezing rain and snow.

Further south, at locations like Singi, Kaitumjaure, Teusajaure, and Vakkotavare, temperatures stay around -8°C to -7°C during the day and -14°C to -13°C at night. The weather remains cold and overcast, with light snow and freezing rain.

In the middle section, around Sitojaure, Aktse, and Pårte, temperatures are a bit warmer, reaching -5°C to -6°C during the day and around -12°C at night. Expect mostly overcast days with light freezing rain and some sunny breaks.

Closer to the south, in places like Kvikkjokk, Tsielekjåkk, and Tjäurakåtan, temperatures are around -5°C during the day and -12°C at night. The weather is similar, with overcast conditions, light freezing rain, and moderate snow showers.

In the southern regions near Hemavan, including Jäkkvik, Pieljekaise, and Ammarnäs, daytime temperatures are around -4°C to -5°C, and nighttime temperatures are between -10°C and -13°C. The weather is mostly overcast with regular light freezing rain and snow.

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 28
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
421 km
Daily distance
15.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.7 mm/day

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