Weather forecast for the Ruta de la Lana in April

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Forecast settings

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
Apr 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
676 km
Daily distance
25.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.0 mm/day

In Alicante, the weather is typically 18°C during the day and falls to about 12°C at night. It's usually sunny with some clouds or rain.

When you get to Orito, Petrer, and Villena, the temperature changes a bit from 17°C to 19°C in the day, becoming 9°C and 10°C at night. Weather here is mostly sunny, with some clouds or patchy rain.

Caudete and Almansa have mixed weather, often having heavy showers and cloudy days. But it's still warm here, around 17°C to 18°C.

In Alpera and Alatoz, the weather is mostly sunny with little rain. Daytime temperatures are around 18°C and it gets as cold as 6°C at night.

When you get to Casas Ibáñez and Villarta, you'll notice more rainy and cloudy days although it's still mild.

It gets a bit colder in Campillo de Altobuey, Monteagudo de las Salinas, and Fuentes. Temperatures here can be between 15°C and 18°C during the day and get as low as 4°C at night. Weather here can be sunny, cloudy or rainy.

Places like Cuenca and Bascuñana de San Pedro have mostly sunny weather with some rain. But it gets colder here, about 16°C.

When you reach Villaconejos de Trabaque and Salmerón, you'll see more rain, but it is still between 16°C and 19°C.

As you get closer to Burgos, the weather gets colder in places like Retortillo de Soria and Fresno de Caracena. It gets as cold as 14°C or 15°C and it may even be a bit icy.

This rainy weather continues through San Esteban de Gormaz and Quintanarraya, but it gets slightly warmer at 15°C.

The last stretch through Santo Domingo de Silos, Mecerreyes, and finally Burgos, is colder at 13°C to 14°C with lots of clouds and some rain.

In general, the Ruta de la Lana has all types of weather - sunny, rainy, and cloudy days. The temperatures can be as warm as 19°C in the south and as cold as 13°C in the north.

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