Weather forecast for the Ruta de la Lana in December

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Forecast settings

Start date
Dec 1
Start town
End date
Dec 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
676 km
Daily distance
25.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.4 mm/day

In Alicante in December, the weather is pretty nice, with temperatures from 10°C to 16°C. The weather varies from sunny to partly cloudy, with a bit of rain sometimes.

When you move to places like Orito, Petrer, Caudete, it gets a bit cooler, between 6°C to 15°C. The weather is mostly sunny, but there might be cloudy days and some rain.

In Villena, Almansa and Alpera, you'll have cold mornings (4°C to 7°C) and warmer afternoons (up to 14°C). The weather is often sunny, but there could be cloudy days and some rain.

Going further north to Alatoz, Casas Ibáñez, and Villarta, it gets even colder. You'll find highs of 12°C and lows of 4°C. You'll have more sunshine, and more chances of cloudy days and some rain.

In Campillo de Altobuey and Monteagudo de las Salinas, the weather is quite cold. The highest temperatures will be around 10°C and it can sometimes go down to 2°C at night. There's still sun and partly cloudy weather, but rainfall is more common.

Going to cities like Cuenca, Salmerón, and Cifuentes welcomes winter with temperatures close to freezing or not going over 10°C. The weather tends to get cloudier, but sunny days and showers are still expected.

Finally, as you reach the end of your journey in Burgos, expect cold weather, with temperatures between 2°C to 9°C. There's more cloud cover, but sunny days are still likely. Expect more frequent rain and sometimes even a bit of ice.

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