In the region of Valencia, where the route begins, February temperatures are around 10°C to 16°C. It's usually sunny or a bit cloudy, but it can also rain sometimes.
The weather changes a bit when you get to Castilla-La Mancha. It's mostly sunny and partly cloudy here too, but it can also rain quite heavily. The temperatures can be anything from 2°C to 15°C.
The weather gets more varied in Cuenca. Besides sunny or cloudy days, it can also snow lightly. It's colder too, with temperatures from 0°C to 12°C.
Lastly, in Castilla y León, it gets even colder. Temperatures are usually 0°C to 11°C. The weather changes a lot here, with sun, clouds, rain, freezing rain, and even heavy snow.
So, as you travel on the Ruta de la Lana from the south to the north, it will likely become colder and the weather can change a lot. You'll see sunny and cloudy days, but you might also have to deal with rain and snow.
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