Weather forecast for the Ruta de la Lana in January

When you start your walk in the coastal city of Alicante, you'll enjoy mostly sunny weather with minor rain. Temperatures there are usually between 9 and 16 degrees Celsius.

As you go north through places like Orito and Petrer, expect mostly sun but some cloudy days. It's a little colder in these areas, with temperatures from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. It might also rain a few times, but not much.

When you get to Villena and Caudete, it's a little colder, with temperatures from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. It doesn't rain much in these regions. The weather varies from sunny to cloudy with some heavy rain showers.

In places like Almansa and Alpera, temperatures can get as low as 1 degree and as high as 13 degrees Celsius. The weather here changes more, with some sunny and cloudy days, and a chance for light snow showers and rain.

The weather gets even colder in Alatoz and Casas Ibáñez, with temperatures ranging from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius. There can be light freezing rain or snow.

As you go further north through places like Villarta and Campillo de Altobuey, it gets even colder. Temperatures usually range from 7 to 9 degrees Celsius during the day, but can go below freezing at night. It also gets windier and rainier in these regions.

When you get to Monteagudo de las Salinas, Fuentes, and Cuenca, it's cold, with temperatures as low as -1 degree Celsius. Expect many sunny and partly cloudy days and quite a bit of rain.

As you reach Burgos at the end of your trip, things can get as cold as 1 degree and as warm as 7 degrees Celsius. The weather is very unpredictable, you can get anything from sunshine to snow and rain.

In conclusion, the weather along the Ruta de la Lana path has lots of sunshine and clouds, with some rain. It gets colder as you go north.

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Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Jan 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
676 km
Daily distance
25.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.2 mm/day

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