In Alicante, it is usually warm and sunny, with temperatures around 22°C in the day and 16°C at night in November. The region doesn't have much rain due to its Mediterranean climate. Mostly, the weather is sunny or a bit cloudy, although there might be some light rain unexpectedly.
As you move northwest to towns like Petrer and Villena, it gets a bit cooler, and you may have a bit more rain. The weather can change from sunny, partly cloudy, to a bit rainy. During the day, the temperature is around 22°C, and in the night it can drop to 12°C.
When you get to Albacete province, it continues to get cooler. For example, in towns like Almansa and Alpera, the average day temperature is around 18°C, and at night it's around 10°C. In this region, you can expect mostly sunny days, although there can be some cloudy or rainy days too.
When you reach the mountains of Cuenca and Guadalajara provinces, it can be even colder. The average high temperature is about 14°C, and at night it can fall to 4°C. The weather can change from sunny, to cloudy, to a bit rainy.
The final part of your journey through the landscapes of Soria and Burgos can be even colder, with more chance of rain or snow. Expect daytime temperatures around 8°C, which can drop as low as 1°C at night. It's usually cloudy, and there can be light snowfall as you near Burgos.
Throughout your trip, be ready for changing weather conditions; while it can be sunny and partly cloudy most of the time, you might also have to deal with rain or even a bit of snow as you reach the end of the route.
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