Weather forecast for the Vía Podiensis in November

If you're planning to walk the Camino de Le Puy route in November, be ready for changing weather. The temperatures at the beginning of the trip, in places like Le Puy-en-Velay, are between 9°C and 14°C.

In the early part of the route, such as Saint-Privat-d'Allier, you might experience different weather. Areas near Saugues and Domaine du Sauvage often have rain that can be heavy at times.

As you continue towards Aumont-Aubrac and Nasbinals, it gets cooler with temperatures around 8°C. You'll find it cloudy with some rain.

The middle of the route, including places like Estaing and Figeac, is even colder. Around Estaing temperatures could be as low as 0°C. There might be snow, but also rain.

Later, as you move through Cajarc and Varaire, the weather gets a bit warmer with an average high temperature of 14°C. The weather will be a mix of cloudy, sunny, and some rain.

When you reach areas like Moissac and Lectoure, expect more of the same: cloudy with some rain and occasional sun. Temperatures stay pretty mild with a high around 13°C.

Towards the end of your Camino, in places like Arthez-de-Béarn and Navarrenx, temperatures stay the same, but you'll get more clear sunny days.

When you finish your journey in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, expect high temperatures of around 12°C. It might rain, but you will also have sunny and cloudy days with less rain.

This overview is for an early November start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Nov 9
Start town
End date
Nov 9
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
22 km
Daily distance
22.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
10.2 mm/day

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