Weather forecast for the Camino Lebaniego in October

The weather on the Camino Lebaniego in October can change a lot, but it's usually not too hot or too cold, and there might be some rain. The highest temperature is usually between 18°C and 21°C, and the lowest temperature is usually between 8°C and 15°C.

On the first part of your trip, from San Vicente de la Barquera to Espinama, it will probably be partly sunny and partly cloudy, and it might rain sometimes.

As you go towards Potes, and then to Portilla de la Reina and Riaño, the rain might get heavier sometimes. But there will still be a lot of times when it's sunny.

On the last part of the Camino Lebaniego, from Crémenes to Mansilla de las Mulas, it usually doesn't rain as much, and the temperature might be a bit cooler. There will be a lot of times when it's sunny or partly cloudy.

Overall, the temperature is usually comfortable and there's a balance of sun and rain.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
San Vicente de la Barquera
End date
Oct 10
End town
Mansilla de las Mulas
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
215 km
Daily distance
21.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.6 mm/day

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