Weather forecast for the Camino de Levante in January

If you start journeying from Valencia city on the Camino de Levante, expect sunny weather with a bit of cloudiness. Temperature will be around 16°C in the day and 8°C at night. There will be very little rain.

As you move to Algemesí and Xátiva, it remains mostly sunny with a bit of moderate rain. Temperatures will be similar but the nights will be slightly colder.

In Moixent and La Font de la Figuera, you'll experience lower temperatures, with highs of 15°C and lows of 5°C. Expect more rain showers during this part of the journey.

The weather changes when you reach Almansa and Higueruela in the Castilla-La Mancha region. It will be colder with more diverse weather like snow showers. Daytime temperatures will be around 10°C, dropping to 1°C at night.

In Albacete and La Roda, it will be colder still. Daytime temperatures will be around 9°C, and nights could reach freezing point. There might also be light freezing rain and snow showers.

The weather improves slightly as you move towards Mora through Toledo, with daytime temperatures rising to around 11°C. As you continue to Torrijos and Escalona, temperatures will remain steady, but there could be more rain.

In San Martin de Valdeiglesias and Cebreros, expect colder days and freezing nights, with temperatures between 6°C and -1°C. Freezing rain and snow are possible here.

When you reach Ávila in the wide plains of Castilla y León, you'll encounter cold conditions with heavy rain and snow showers. This weather continues until Medina del Campo, but with potential for heavier rain.

As you finish your journey in the northwest, through Toro and Zamora, days will be warmer (up to 10°C) but nights remain cold. Expect varying weather conditions, from sunny to cloudy with occasional rain.

This overview is for an early January start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
Jan 8
Start town
End date
Jan 26
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
573 km
Daily distance
30.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.4 mm/day

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