Weather forecast for the Camino de Levante in May

The Camino de Levante walk in Spain starts in Valencia. In May, the weather is usually nice with temperatures from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius.

At first, in Valencia, the weather is mostly sunny with some clouds. Sometimes, it can also rain a little. During these times, the rain can be strong.

When you get to Castilla-La Mancha, the weather is similar. Sun and cloud mix but the rain is more common now. For example, in Albacete and La Roda, it rains more often. The temperature is almost the same, but there is a bit more rain.

In Castilla y León, the weather switches between sun and light rain. In some places like El Toboso and La Villa de Don Fadrique, the rain is usually stronger.

To sum up, walking the Camino de Levante in May means experiencing different weather conditions. There can be sunny days and some rainy days, but the temperature is usually okay.

This overview is for an early May start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Start date
May 8
Start town
End date
May 26
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
573 km
Daily distance
30.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.1 mm/day

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