When you start in the beach city of Valencia in March, you'll usually see sunny weather. The average temperature might be between 8°C and 18°C, and it might rain sometimes.
When you walk towards Algemesí and Xátiva, it might rain more often. The weather could be sunny or a bit cloudy, and the average temperature is usually around 18°C and 9°C.
When you go to areas like Moixent, La Font de la Figuera, and Almansa, the temperature usually drops a bit and it rains more. The temperature is usually between 7°C and 16°C. Be ready for a mix of sunny and cloudy weather, and it may rain a lot.
When you reach flatter areas like Toledo and Torrijos, the weather changes more. You can expect sunny, cloudy, or very cloudy weather. The temperature is usually between 6°C to 17°C.
As you walk from Escalona to San Martín de Valdeiglesias, it gets colder. You might see cooler weather and even some snow. The average temperature is usually between 2°C to 16°C, and it could rain or snow different amounts.
The last part of the Camino, from Cebreros to the city of Ávila, is colder, usually between 1°C and 10°C. The weather could be sunny, rainy, very rainy, or icy.
In short, the weather on the Camino de Levante in March can be sunny, partly cloudy, or rainy, and it gets colder the farther you walk.
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