Weather forecast for the Likya Yolu in April

The Likya Yolu, or Lycian Way, has temperatures in April from 10°C at night to around 24°C during the day. Most days are between 17°C and 21°C. You will find a mix of sunny days and occasional rain. Coastal and inland areas may have slight weather differences, but generally, April is a mix of sun and rain.

In the western part of the route, like Ovacik, Kabak, and Sidyma, temperatures are around 19°C to 20°C with light to moderate rain. In central regions like Xanthos, Pydnai, and Patara, expect similar temperatures but with a bit more sun and rain.

In the eastern areas, like Beycik, Goynuk, and Geyikbayiri, temperatures rise slightly towards the end of the month. There are more sunny days, but you can still have occasional showers.

The whole route has a mix of sun and rain. Rainfall can vary daily, with some areas getting more rain on certain days. Be prepared for changing weather as you explore the Likya Yolu.

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
Apr 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
468 km
Daily distance
17.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.3 mm/day

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