Weather forecast for the Likya Yolu in June

The Likya Yolu, or Lycian Way, runs along the southwestern coast of Turkey and has varying weather conditions.

In the higher, inland areas, you will usually find sunny weather with temperatures between 25°C and 31°C. There isn't much rain, but you might get some moderate to heavy showers occasionally. In June, temperatures will rise as you travel.

Closer to the coast, the weather stays mostly sunny. Daytime temperatures are around 26°C to 27°C, and at night they drop to 17°C to 23°C. Rain is rare but can happen, though usually only briefly.

Overall, the Lycian Way has warm, sunny days and cool nights. While rain can happen, it usually doesn't spoil the mostly clear and bright weather. This makes it good for walking, but you should be ready for occasional showers and cooler nights.

Start date
Jun 1
Start town
End date
Jun 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
468 km
Daily distance
17.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.4 mm/day

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