Weather forecast for the Likya Yolu in November

The Likya Yolu, or Lycian Way, gives you a variety of weather as you hike in November. Mostly, you'll find mild temperatures. Highs are usually between 18-22°C, and lows range from 11-16°C. You'll see a lot of sunny days, though sometimes it will rain.

In the western parts like Ovacik, Kabak, and Sidyma, expect moderate temperatures and mostly sunny weather with occasional showers. As you go east to places like Pydnai and Xanthos, rain chances go up a bit, but sunny days are still common.

In central areas such as Limanagzi, Bogazcik, and Ucagiz, you'll get a mix of sunny and partly cloudy days. Rain showers, sometimes heavier, are more likely here.

Moving further east to Finike, Karaoz, and Adrasan, you’ll see the same mild temperatures but more rain. This mix of sun and rain continues in places like Cirali, Beycik, and Yayla Kuzdere.

In the final parts toward Goynuk and Geyikbayiri, you’ll face more rainy days with moderate to heavy showers. Still, sunny moments are frequent during your hike.

Overall, the Likya Yolu has mild, pleasant weather with lots of sunshine, but be ready for some rain, especially as you go further along the path.

Start date
Nov 1
Start town
End date
Nov 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
468 km
Daily distance
17.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.0 mm/day

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