Weather forecast for the Likya Yolu in September

The Likya Yolu, or Lycian Way, usually has sunny weather in September. Daytime temperatures are between 27°C and 32°C, and nighttime temperatures are between 20°C and 23°C.

There isn't much rain, but sometimes it can rain moderately or heavily, especially as you go further along the trail. The beginning is warmer and drier with more sunny days and very little rain. As you go further, you might see more changes in the weather, like light rain and occasional thunderstorms, but sunny days are still common.

In general, the Likya Yolu has warm and mostly dry weather in September, making it good for trekking with mostly nice and easy-to-predict weather.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
468 km
Daily distance
17.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.1 mm/day

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