Weather forecast for the Camino de Madrid in February

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Forecast settings

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Mar 1
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
684 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.2 mm/day

If you start your trip in Madrid in February, the weather could go either way. It's usually sunny with temperatures around 11°C, but sometimes it rains.

The weather gets a bit colder as you move towards Tres Cantos and Manzanares el Real, with temperatures around 9°C, and possible rain.

When you get to the mountains in Cercedilla, it gets even colder, about 4°C. Snow could be a problem here.

The weather gets a bit warmer as you move towards Segovia, Santa María la Real de Nieva, and Coca, about 7°C, with less chances of snow but more chances of rain.

This is similar to the weather you'll experience in Alcazarén, Puente Duero, and Peñaflor de Hornija.

Going on to Medina de Rioseco and Cuenca de Campos, the weather stays the same, but it might rain more, even though it's usually sunny.

It's a similar story in Sahagún, Bercianos del Real Camino, and Mansilla de las Mulas, but it starts to become warmer, around 10°C as you continue to León, San Martín del Camino, and Astorga.

On arriving at Foncebadón and Ponferrada, the weather stays around 10°C, usually sunny but sometimes rainy. It gets a tad warmer and sunnier as you move through Villafranca del Bierzo and O Cebreiro.

Towards the end of your journey, in Triacastela, Sarria, Portomarín, and Palas de Rei, it might rain more and the weather changes more, but it continues to get warmer. It's the same in Arzúa and O Pedrouzo, where the temperatures can reach 13°C.

Finally, as you reach your destination, Santiago de Compostela, expect temperatures around 12°C, but more rain and cloudy days.

In short, during your trip, the weather might change a lot - from warm and sunny days to colder times with snow and some rain. You should be ready for anything.

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