Weather forecast for the Camino de Madrid in January

Starting in Madrid, Spain's main city, you'll find average winter temperatures of around 11°C and lows near 3°C. As you go north towards Tres Cantos and Manzanares el Real, it may get a bit colder. There can be some sun and clouds, and sometimes light rain.

When you reach the colder, higher areas of Cercedilla and Segovia, get ready for colder weather. The average highs are around 6-7°C and it can get below 0°C. Here, it could snow, especially in Cercedilla. The weather may change between sunny, cloudy, and rainy.

In the flat areas of Villafranca del Bierzo and Ponferrada, the weather doesn't change much, around 7°C for highs and 0°C for lows. The weather can change a lot, with sun, clouds, and sometimes rain. Sometimes, light freezing rain or heavy rain could happen.

In the Galician region, which is famous for unpredictable weather, you'll go to higher altitudes through O Cebreiro and then down into Triacastela. Here, you'll probably see moderate to heavy rainfall and temperatures of around 11°C for highs and 3°C for lows. This part of the Camino might be the wettest.

On the last part towards Santiago de Compostela, expect many showers and cloudy weather. The temperatures stay above freezing, with highs around 11°C and lows near 5°C, giving some warmth despite the rain. The increase in rain is most noticeable in Santiago, a place known for its rainy weather.

In summary, the Camino de Madrid has a variety of weather conditions, changing from the warmer climate of central Spain to the colder, often rainier weather of the Galician region. Although temperatures usually stay above freezing, travelers should be ready for different weather conditions, such as possible snow, freezing rain, and heavy rain showers on their way to Santiago.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Jan 29
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
684 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.6 mm/day

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