Weather forecast for the Camino de Madrid in March

The weather on the Camino de Madrid path changes a lot from its start in Madrid to its end in Santiago de Compostela.

In Madrid, the weather changes often, with some sun, clouds and a bit of rain. Average highs are about 14°C and lows are about 4°C, while rain is usually around 2.3mm in early March.

As you start moving north, cities like Tres Cantos have the same kind of weather. But in more mountainous areas like Cercedilla, it can snow and sometimes freeze. Here, the temperature is likely to be a high of 5°C and low of -1°C.

When you get into the region of Castile and León, it gets a bit warmer. Towns like Segovia, Peñaflor de Hornija, and Sahagún have more sunny days. Average temperature here is between 12°C - 15°C during day and between 1°C - 3°C during night. There is less chance of rain here.

As you reach the end of the trail in Galicia and Santiago de Compostela, the weather is milder but with more chance of rain. The average is a high of 14°C and low of 6°C. March is often rainy here.

The weather on the Camino de Madrid changes a lot, depending on where you are. Those who walk there should be ready for sun, cloud and rain, and lots of changes in temperature, particularly in the mountains.

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Mar 29
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
684 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.2 mm/day

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