The weather in Madrid during May is typically mild to warm, with some clouds and occasional light rain. Temperatures can reach up to 20°C and go as low as 8°C.
As you travel to Tres Cantos, the weather stays the same. The same is true for Manzanares el Real and Cercedilla, but with more chances of sunshine. When you reach Segovia, the weather is also mild but with a bit more rain.
While in the area of Coca and Alcazarén, expect some clouds, moments of sunshine, and some rain. The temperatures will be the same as the previous places, but rain is a bit more likely.
On the way to Sahagún and Mansilla de las Mulas, the weather is usually sunny with just a touch of rain. Around Leon, it might rain a bit more but it's mostly sunny.
In the Leon province, expect a mix of sunshine, clouds, and quite a lot of rain. The temperatures range from around 19°C during the day to 6-7°C at night.
When you travel through Astorga and Foncebadón, the weather is mostly sunny with periods of clouds and some rain. Daytime temperatures can reach 20°C.
In the O Cebreiro and Triacastela region, the weather can change a lot, with more rain, either light or heavy. Temperatures stay about the same, but it might rain more often.
When you reach your end point at Santiago de Compostela, it might be sunny, cloudy, or rain a lot. Average daytime temperature can reach 21°C, dropping to 11°C at night. Overall, you can encounter sunny, cloudy, and rainy days on your journey.
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