Weather forecast for the Camino de Madrid in November

Starting from Madrid, you'll mostly have sunny days with periods of light rain. Temperatures often fall between 10°C and 19°C. The weather remains quite the same as you travel north to Tres Cantos, but expect a bit more rain and cooler temperatures between 9°C and 16°C.

The weather becomes more unpredictable as you move through Manzanares el Real and Cercedilla. You might encounter heavy rainfall, and colder temperatures ranging from 3°C to 9°C.

Segovia provides a break with sunnier days, although there still can be medium levels of rain. The temperature stays quite steady here, between 4°C and 11°C. Similar conditions continue into Santa María La Real de Nieva and towards Coca. Here, temperatures range from 4°C to 12°C.

When you reach Alcazarén and walk further, the weather stays typically the same with temperatures from 6°C to 13°C. As you pass through Puente Duero and Peñaflor de Hornija, expect more rain.

León's weather gives you a combination of sunny and partly cloudy days with a temperature between 4°C to 12°C. Here, rainfall reduces, but small showers may occur.

Astorga and Foncebadón bring heavier rain and cooler temperatures between 4°C and 11°C. Similarly, your final walk through Villafranca, O Cebreiro, and Triacastela will have even more rain. Temperatures can drop to 2°C or rise to 13°C.

Upon reaching Santiago de Compostela, you may experience overcast skies and heavy rain showers. Higher temperatures are around 12°C and lows around 5°C.

Start date
Nov 1
Start town
End date
Nov 29
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
684 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

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