Weather forecast for the Cammino Materano in May

If you go on the Cammino Materano, you'll experience a lot of different weather. You may see both sunshine and lots of rain during your walk.

You'll start in Bari, a city near the ocean, and then go into Bitetto, which is a warmer area where temperatures are usually around 20-21 degrees Celsius. You might experience some sunny days or heavy rain.

Next, you'll go into Cassano Delle Murge and Santeramo in Colle, where it gets cooler. Temperature is typically between 13 to 20 degrees Celsius and you might see more rainfall and cloudy days, but some sunny days too.

Then, you'll reach Altamura and Gravina In Puglia. Temperatures here can go down to around 11 degrees Celsius but can also go up to 20-21 degrees Celsius. These areas don't get as much rain and usually have sunny weather, though there could be some cloudiness and light rain.

Lastly, you'll finish in Picciano and Matera. Here, it gets a bit warmer again, with the average high being 22 degrees Celsius in Matera. You'll see a mix of sunny and rainy days here.

So, if you're planning a trip on the Cammino Materano, be prepared for lots of weather changes.

Start date
May 1
Start town
End date
May 7
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
167 km
Daily distance
23.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.2 mm/day

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