Weather forecast for the Cammino Materano in February

You might see different types of weather on the Cammino Materano walk in February. It could be sunny, a little cloudy, or it might rain a lot.

You start your journey in Bari, the capital of Apulia. The weather there is normally okay with temperatures of around 8°C to 13°C. But it might also rain a lot.

Going further into Bitetto and Cassano Delle Murge, the temperature might rise a little and become 7°C to 14°C. Weather might vary from cloudiness with some rainfall.

The weather will get a bit cold while going through Santeramo In Colle and Altamura in Bari province. Weather might be sunny, cloudy or rainy, and temperature could be from 4°C in Altamura to a high of 14°C in Santeramo In Colle.

Gravina In Puglia might be a bit colder than that. Expect minimum temperatures of around 5°C and maximum temperatures of around 11°C. Here, it might rain more often and be cloudy, especially as you get closer to the Murge hill range.

Finally, the weather in Matera at the end of your route might be mixed, having sunny periods, cloudiness, or rain showers. The temperature ranges from 4°C to 12°C.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Feb 7
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
167 km
Daily distance
23.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.3 mm/day

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