If you're walking the Camino Mozárabe, the weather is mostly sunny. It starts in Almería, where summers are hot averaging 32°C and rain is rare. The sunny weather continues as you move towards Rioja and Alboloduy, with some clouds sometimes.
In Andalusia's center, it remains hot with temperatures around 27°C and lows around 16°C. Places like Abla, Huéneja and Alquife could have moderate to heavy rain showers at times.
Guadix and La Peza are slightly hotter, averaging 30°C, and also have chances of rain. As you get to Quéntar and Granada, temperatures rise further to an average of 34°C. You might still get rain showers, but also sunny days.
As you move to Pinos Puente and Moclín, temperatures stay the same, but chances of rain lessen and sunny days are more frequent. This is also the case in Alcalá la Real and Alcaudete.
When you reach Baena and Castro del Río, the heat increases further to highs of 37°C. It's sunny and almost no rain is expected. This also applies to Santa Cruz and Córdoba.
In Cerro Muriano and Villaharta, temperatures reach up to 38°C and rain is rare. In Alcaracejos to Hinojosa del Duque and Monterrubio de la Serena, expect slightly lower temperatures around 35°C with some clouds.
Last, from Mérida through Castuera, Campanario, Don Benito, to Torrefresneda, temperatures are still high around 34°C to 35°C with mostly sunny weather. Some rain and cloudy weather can happen.
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