The Camino Mozárabe starts in the warm Almería region. Here, temperatures typically range from 9°C to 17°C, with mostly sunshine and little rain. As you travel to Rioja and Alboloduy, expect similar weather.
When you reach Abla and Huéneja, it can get much colder, nearly down to 0°C, with more regular rainfall. This cold and wet weather carries on through Alquife, Guadix, and La Peza. There could be some freezing rain and light snow showers in these areas.
The weather gets warmer and drier in Quéntar and Granada, with average temperatures of about 11°C. As you pass through Pinos Puente and Moclín, the temperatures stay a little warm with not so frequent rain and likely sunny or partly cloudy days.
In Alcalá la Real and Alcaudete, there might be more rain and a slight drop in temperatures. Baena to Castro del Río can be cooler, with daytime highs around 14°C and nighttime lows of 4°C, but mostly sunny skies with occasional rain.
The weather becomes warmer again in Santa Cruz and Córdoba, with highs around 16°C, mainly sunshine to partly cloudy days, and little rain.
The final part of the journey, Cerro Muriano to Mérida, often has heavier rain with temperatures roughly 12-13°C. Even though there's more chance of rain, there are still many sunny days.
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