Weather forecast for the Camino Mozárabe from Almería in July

Starting on the sunny coast of Almería, the Camino Mozárabe takes you through different types of scenery and weather. At the beginning, it's mostly sunny, with cool temperatures of around 22°C and a warm 30°C. It doesn't rain much, so it should be dry most of the time.

As you move north to Granada, it's still sunny, but it gets a bit hotter. The temperatures go up to 34-35°C and down to 20-21°C. Rain is still rare, helping keep the paths on your journey clear.

If you go further north to Córdoba, you'll experience hot summer days. Temperatures often reach around 39°C and can stay around 22°C at night. Expect mostly sunny, dry weather, with a small chance of cloudy skies.

Finally, as you head towards the end in Mérida, it still stays hot but it might rain a bit more often. Temperatures stay about the same, highs around 35-36°C and lows around 20°C. Although it’s usually sunny, you may find some rain or cloud at times.

Start date
Jul 1
Start town
End date
Jul 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
609 km
Daily distance
22.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.1 mm/day

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