Weather forecast for the Camino Mozárabe from Almería in June

Walking the Camino Mozárabe, you can mostly expect warm and sunny weather. Starting in Almería and going through Rioja and Alboloduy, there's lots of sun with some rain, and temperatures are usually between 18°C and 26°C.

In the Andalusian highlands, including towns like Abla and Huéneja, it's a bit cooler at 10°C to 20°C. Sun is common, but there's a bit more rain, which can be heavy sometimes.

Granada has similar weather to the start of the Camino. It's mostly sunny, rain is rare, and the temperature is usually between 15°C and 27°C. As the Camino continues into Pinos Puente and Moclín, it becomes hotter, with highs up to 28°C. Rain is uncommon, but can be heavy when it does occur.

As the route enters Alcalá la Real, it gets even hotter with highs up to 29°C. Alcaudete is sunny most of the time, with some rain and cloudy days.

In Baena and Castro del Río, it gets very hot, with highs up to 34°C. There's not much rain, but when it does, it can be moderate to heavy.

In Santa Cruz and Córdoba, the weather is a mix of sunny and partly cloudy. Temperatures stay high, between 19°C and 33°C. There's hardly any rain at this part of the Camino.

Villaharta and Alcaracejos are a bit cooler, with temperatures around 31°C. It's mostly sunny with some clouds.

Near the end of the journey, in Monterrubio de la Serena, Castuera, and Don Benito, it's hot with temperatures between 32°C to 34°C. The weather is mostly sunny with some clouds, and there's not much rain.

Start date
Jun 1
Start town
End date
Jun 27
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
609 km
Daily distance
22.5 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.5 mm/day

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