In March, Almería and Rioja are mostly sunny and warm, with highs of 18°C and lows of 10°C. Alboloduy is also sunny with a chance of light rain, and a bit warmer.
Next, in Abla, Huéneja, and Alquife, it gets much colder. High temperatures fall to 8°C and it can freeze at night. There's also more rain, sometimes heavy. This pattern continues in Guadix, where rain is most likely.
As you go through La Peza and Quéntar, it gets a bit warmer, up to 13-16°C in the day and 2-3°C at night. It's mostly sunny but rain is also common. Granada and Pinos Puente are similar but slightly warmer and it rains less.
When you get to Moclín, Alcalá la Real, Alcaudete, and Baena, the weather is usually sunny and a little warmer. Highs are 15-17°C and lows around 5°C.
The next part, including Castro del Río, Santa Cruz, and Córdoba, is warmer still. Highs can reach 20°C and lows stay above 7-8°C. There's less chance of rain. But around Villaharta, Alcaracejos, and Hinojosa, weather can vary and it may get slightly cooler.
The final part to Mérida sees mixed conditions. Expect sun, clouds, and possible rain showers. Daytime temperatures are around mid to high teens and nights are cooler. Rain becomes less common.
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