At first, in Almería and other nearby areas in Andalusia, the weather in October is mostly sunny and warm, from 19°C to 26°C. Rain is usually rare, but can be a bit more common in higher areas.
As you move towards the center of Andalusia, going through places like Alquife, Guadix, and La Peza, it's a bit cooler, from 18°C to 22°C during the day and around 10°C at night. Rain is a bit more common in these parts.
Further north, in places like Alcalá la Real, Alcaudete, and Baena, temperatures generally stay between 23°C - 24°C in the day and 12°C - 13°C at night. Weather can vary between sunny and partly cloudy, with some rain.
In Córdoba, it gets warmer again, with temperatures between 24°C and 26°C. The weather can shift between sunny and partly cloudy, but rain is more common. In some areas, it can even reach more than 5 mm/day.
When you reach Extremadura, in towns like Hinojosa del Duque, Monterrubio de la Serena, and Castuera, it's slightly cooler, around 21°C to 22°C. The weather can change a lot, from sunny to overcast and cloudy, with some rain. The amount of rain can reach up to 3.6 mm/day in some parts.
For the last part of Camino, through places like Don Benito, Torrefresneda, and Mérida, there is more sun and less rain. The temperature is comfortable, around 22°C - 23°C during the day and about 13°C at night.
To sum up, on this route, be ready for both sunshine and some rain, and temperatures that are generally mild to warm. The weather can change, especially in higher or northern parts of the route.
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