Weather forecast for the Camino Mozárabe from Málaga in February

Starting in Málaga, the Camino Mozárabe usually has sun or light clouds, with temperatures between 16°C and 10°C. There might be light to heavy rain. As you go through Almogía, Villanueva de la Concepción, and Antequera, the weather changes a lot. It can be sunny, cloudy or rainy. The temperature can range from 12-15°C to as low as 4°C, with a fair amount of rain.

As you go through Villanueva de Algaidas, Encinas Reales and Lucena, you will experience a mix of sun, clouds and bits of rain. The average high temperatures stay around 12-13°C, and the lows around 4°C. There is not a lot of rain on average.

From Doña Mencía to Baena and Castro del Río, the weather is mostly sunny with some clouds and possible light rain. Temperatures are usually between 11-15°C, but can get as low as 3-6°C. These areas get a bit more rain on average than the previous ones.

From Santa Cruz through Córdoba and Cerro Muriano, you will mostly see the sun, but there can also be clouds and a bit of rain. Temperatures slowly rise to 15-16°C and as low as 6°C.

As you go from Villaharta to Alcaracejos and Hinojosa del Duque, the weather is hard to predict. It can vary from sunny to cloudy, with possible moderate to heavy rain. Temperatures usually stay around 13-16°C and can get as cold as 3-5°C. The amount of rain varies greatly during this part.

Lastly, from Monterrubio de la Serena to Mérida, the weather is more predictable, either sunny or partly cloudy. Temperatures stay around 14-17°C and as low as 4-6°C. The amount of rain during this last part is moderate.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Feb 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
465 km
Daily distance
22.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.9 mm/day

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