Starting in Málaga, it will likely be a bit warm in December, with temperatures around 16°C during the day and around 10°C at night. You might see some rain, but there will probably be many sunny days as well.
As you continue into Almogía and Antequera, you might come across some rain, though it is usually sunny.
The next part of your trip from Villanueva de Algaidas to Lucena might be a little cooler, with daytime temperatures from 13-14°C and nighttime temperatures from 5-6°C. It’s usually sunny, but there might be a bit more rain, sometimes a lot.
When you reach big cities like Córdoba and Cerro Muriano in Andalusia, the weather is often similar with highs around 16-17°C and lows about 7-8°C. It's mostly sunny, but there's a slight chance of cloudy or rainy days.
Then, as you head through Castuera to Mérida in Extremadura, you'll find it's cooler still. Daytime temperatures fall to about 12-15°C and might go down to 4-7°C at night. The weather here changes a lot - some days it's sunny, other times it's cloudy, and sometimes it rains. It often rains quite a bit, especially around Don Benito and Torrefresneda. Overall, on the Camino Mozárabe, expect many sunny days with some rainy ones, and it gets slightly colder the further north you go.
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