The Camino Mozárabe starts in the hot, sunny area of Málaga where it's usually about 29°C in July. As you go further inland to places like Almogía and Antequera, it gets a bit hotter, with highs around 33°C. The weather is generally sunny.
When you go northward to Villanueva de Algaidas and Encinas Reales, the weather isn't too different. It's sunny and not much rain.
Moving into the heart of Andalucia, places like Lucena, Doña Mencía, and Baena can reach around 35°C. It's mostly sunny, but sometimes it can rain a bit.
Hotter places like Castro del Río, Santa Cruz, and Córdoba can have temperatures from 31°C up to nearly 39°C. Here, it's mostly sunny, but there can be some cloudy days.
As you get further into Córdoba area, traveling through Cerro Muriano and Villaharta, it's a bit cooler - about 37-38°C. The weather is usually sunny.
The last part of the journey goes through Alcaracejos, Hinojosa del Duque, and into Extremadura. Here, it's about 35-36°C, and the weather varies. There are sunny days, somewhat cloudy days, slight rain, and sometimes even heavy rain, especially in places like Mérida.
Overall, prepare for a sunny and hot trip through southern Spain.
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