Weather forecast for the Camino Mozárabe from Málaga in September

The Camino Mozárabe starts in Málaga, a warm, sunny city in the south of Spain. The area is known for its warm weather, so you can expect a lot of sunny days along with some cloudy ones.

As you travel through Andalusia, the temperature stays warm, but it may rain a bit more. For example, in places like Antequera and Villanueva de Algaidas, you might experience some rain. Still, most days will likely be sunny.

The middle part of your journey, through locations like Lucena and Doña Mencía in province of Cordoba, may have a bit more rain. But, it's still usually a mix of sun and clouds, and the temperature stays comfortable.

When you reach the city of Cordoba, it's usually a bit hotter, with temperatures reaching the low thirties. Rain is not common, and it's usually sunny, but be prepared as it can occasionally rain heavily.

As you travel north from Cordoba into Extremadura, it may cool down slightly and rain a bit more, especially in Alcaracejos, Hinojosa del Duque, and Monterrubio de la Serena. The temperature remains good, but be ready for various weather patterns including sun, clouds, and different intensities of rain.

The last part of the journey, from Castuera to Mérida, has stable weather, with high temperatures and a lot of sun. However, it can be cloudy sometimes and there may also be light rain.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
465 km
Daily distance
22.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
0.8 mm/day

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