In January, the Camino de Muxía & Finisterre in Spain tends to be somewhat rainy. Santiago de Compostela often has varying levels of rain and cloudy skies. The temperature usually varies between 5°C and 11°C.
When you reach Negreira, you can expect similar weather with occasional heavy rain. The average temperature is between 5°C and 11°C. There is a bit less rain here compared to Santiago de Compostela.
In Olveiroa, you might experience occasional rain but also some sun. The temperature is usually a bit higher, between 6°C and 12°C.
In Muxía, it's often cloudy, but it can also be sunny. Rain ranging from light to heavy is common here. The temperature usually varies between 5°C and 12°C and there is a bit more rain compared to other places.
Lastly, in Fisterra, it's often cloudy and rains heavily at times. The temperature usually ranges from 4°C to 11°C. There is less rainfall here compared to other parts of the journey.
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