When you travel from Santiago de Compostela to Fisterra, going through places like Negreira, Olveiroa, and Muxía, the weather can change a lot. Usually, it is mostly cloudy, and it can rain now and then, especially in Olveiroa and Muxía. Sometimes it's sunny, other times it's cloudy.
The temperature is pretty much the same across this Camino. In the daytime, it can be around 24 degrees Celsius, and in the night, it can drop to around 13 degrees Celsius. Although it can rain, it doesn't often. Most days, it doesn't rain more than 1.7mm. This means the weather is mostly mild, but there can be some rain, so get ready for a bit of everything as you start your walk.
So, expect a mix of cloudy and sunny weather with some rain on this Camino route. Temperatures are mostly constant and aren't too hot or cold, which makes it generally a good walk.
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