Weather forecast for the Camino Olvidado in August

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Forecast settings

Start date
Aug 1
Start town
End date
Aug 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
488 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.1 mm/day

The Camino Olvidado is a path that goes through many different weather environments.

It starts near Bilbao in the Basque region. Here, the weather varies a lot. It can be sunny, cloudy, or rainy. The temperature usually stays between 17°C and 23°C.

Next, you reach areas like Güeñes, Nava de Ordunte, and Bercedo. Here, it might rain heavily or be sunny. The temperatures are like in Bilbao.

In Arroyo de Valdearroyo and Olea, the weather is less predictable. It could rain lightly or heavily, and the sky is often cloudy. Temperatures are a bit lower than before, between 17°C and 23°C.

Aguilar de Campoo and Cervera de Pisuerga have sunny days with some clouds and light rain. The temperatures are like the previous regions but with less rain.

The weather gets better as you reach Santibáñez de la Peña to Cistierna. It's usually sunny and warm, with temperatures in the high 20s. It doesn't rain often, but it could happen.

The last part of the journey is from Fasgar to Cacabelos. It's hot with temperatures in the late 20s. The region gets less rain than at the start of the journey. The weather is often sunny with some clouds, reflecting the warm, Mediterranean climate of the region.

Most common weather types on your Camino

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