Weather forecast for the Camino Olvidado in January

You'll start in Bilbao, a lively city in the Basque region, where it often rains and can be cloudy, partly cloudy, or sunny. The weather is mostly mild, with an average high temperature of 14°C. But, as you go further inland, the temperature can drop to 11°C.

As you move to the region of Castilla y León, the weather changes a bit more. While it still rains a lot, you may also experience light frozen rain and snow showers, particularly in Cistierna and Riello. This area can be colder, with average highs around 7°C and lows sometimes going below 0°C.

In the autonomous community of Castilla y León, until you reach Cacabelos, you'll find days with heavy rain but also days with lots of sun. This region's weather can be unpredictable, especially in winter, and is generally cool.

Throughout your journey in the Camino Olvidado, the weather will often change. However, overall, it's usually wetter and colder, from the mild weather in Bilbao to the colder conditions found in Castilla y León. So, you should be ready for all types of weather, including sun, heavy rain, and even snow.

Start date
Jan 1
Start town
End date
Jan 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
488 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.3 mm/day

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