Weather forecast for the Camino Olvidado in July

The weather is different depending on where you are on the Camino Olvidado. You start in Bilbao, where it's usually sunny, and sometimes a bit cloudy and rainy. The temperature stays around 15°C to 22°C.

You might have a bit of rain in villages like Güeñes and Nava de Ordunte, but you'll also have clear skies. Here, temperatures usually range from 16°C to 22°C.

Places like Bercedo may sometimes have a bit more rain. Quintanilla del Rebollar, Soncillo, and Arroyo de Valdearroyo also have a bit of inconsistent rain and the temperature ranges from 15°C to 22°C.

In areas like Olea, Aguilar de Camoo, and Cervera de Pisuerga, you'll find more sunshine and sometimes a bit of rain. These places are slightly warmer, with temperatures between 16°C and 22°C.

The weather gets sunnier as you move towards Puente Almuhey and Boñar, with a bit of light rain. La Robla, La Magdalena, and Riello are even warmer, with temperatures between 13°C and 29°C.

Towards the end of your journey, in places like Fasgar, Igüeña, Labaniego and Congosto, you'll experience a mix of sunny weather, potential rain and cloudy skies. Sometimes there might be heavy rain. The journey ends in Cacabelos where it's usually sunny with occasional rain. The temperature here is between 14°C and 27°C.

Start date
Jul 1
Start town
End date
Jul 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
488 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.1 mm/day

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