Weather forecast for the Camino Olvidado in November

The Camino Olvidado starts in Bilbao. You might face some rainy days, sunny days, and might also face rain from time to time. The weather gets a bit colder over time, starting with average temperatures between 19°C and 14°C.

As you continue your journey through places like Güeñes and Nava de Ordunte, the weather changes. You might face rains sometimes and it could also get cloudy, with heavy rain occasionally. The temperatures stay almost the same but might drop a little to highs of 18°C and lows of 13°C.

When you reach the Northern Castile and León in Spain, expect more frequent rains. The weather gets colder over there with temperatures around 15°C during the day and about 10°C at night. This region gets more rainfall compared to where you start, so expect more wet days.

Midway through Castile and Leon, it gets noticeably colder. Places like Puente Almuhey and Cistierna might have partly sunny or cloudy weather with occasional rains. The temperatures during the day might drop down to around 13°C and nights might get quite cold at around 5°C.

When you near your journey's end in areas like Fasgar and Igüeña, it gets even colder with daytime temperatures about 10°C and nights around 3°C. The weather could be cloudy with occasional rain, but you might also have sunny days with possible rain time to time.

By the time you reach the end of your journey in Cacabelos, expect average high temperatures of 9°C and lows of 2°C. Expect to see some rainy days mixed with cloudy and sunny weather. Heavy rain might occasionally happen.

Start date
Nov 1
Start town
End date
Nov 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
488 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.9 mm/day

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