Weather forecast for the Camino Olvidado in October

Starting from Bilbao and going through places like Güeñes, Bercedo, and Cervera de Pisuerga, the weather on the Camino Olvidado in October is usually mild but can change often. Temperatures on your journey start off around 18-21°C and drop to about 15-17°C as you go on. Nighttime gets cooler as you go further along, with temperatures dropping from around 15°C to 7°C.

As you go through the Biscay and Burgos regions, the weather can change from somewhat sunny to rainy, so be ready for both. Most days, you'll get a mix of sun and clouds. It tends to be sunnier in places like Nava de Ordunte and Bercedo.

When you get to the province of León, which includes towns like Soncillo, La Magdalena, and Fasgar, it starts to rain a bit more, sometimes heavily. But it can be sunny too.

Near the end of your trip, from Labaniego through Congosto to Cacabelos, it gets cooler compared to the start of your trip. You'll see an average high around 15-16°C, with the low dropping to about 6-7°C. The weather here usually goes between sunny days and times with moderate to heavy rain.

Generally, expect daily rain from as low as 0.8 mm to as high as 7.2 mm. Overall, the weather along the Camino route in October, while changing a lot, usually has a mix of sunny times with the chance of some rain showers.

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
488 km
Daily distance
23.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.9 mm/day

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